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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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i think. well. whatever the government says there are keep safe get ready because you give them the freedom. a charmer in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture a. new
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website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to do about the ongoing financial part of unlimited high quality videos for download. stories you may never find new. posts aren't. you guys welcome to shell and tell the obama show we've heard our guest stop to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go out you tube the video response or the twitter first part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is the local.
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artist time for tonight's tool time award and it goes to a member of the obama administration you don't really think to be caught up on its back or maybe it's just the reality is the u.s. attorney general eric holder was on an official visit to parents i want to held a joint press conference with the french interior minister he made a statement about guantanamo bay but left a lot of people out there confused he said. although we have not closed guantanamo within the time period that we initially indicated it is still the intention of the president and it is still my intention to close the facility that it exists in guantanamo really as eric holder slept through the last oh i don't know year or so give notice questions yes then presidential candidate obama vowed to shut down the facility within the first year of office but frankly those efforts to shut it down it pretty much stopped altogether thanks in part to outcry from both democrats and republicans and legislation blocking the movement of detainees to american soil as well as what seems to be
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a change of heart from the commander in chief in fact obama officially turned pro get no earlier this year when he signed an executive order to resume military commissions for detainees there wasn't planning on closing the facility after obama held a press conference and splaying that he is going to affirm the white house policy of indefinite detention for suspected terrorists one of the toughest problems is what to do with people that we know are dangerous that we know or. have been gauged in terrorist activity or proclaimed enemies of the united states but because of the manner in which they were originally captured the circumstances right after nine eleven in which they are terry gaited it becomes difficult to try them whether in a article three court or in a. military commission. releasing them at this
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stage could potentially create greater danger for the american people. oh and i guess eric holder was also napping of that whole massive budget debate was happening because obama signed the budget bill which included a rider stating that no guantanamo detainee would be transferred to the u.s. under the circumstances so keeping all of that in mind how does holder defend his statements now the president still has the intention of closing the facility these detainees they don't just fade away if they can be transferred to the u.s. under any circumstances where are they going to go hello this is going pretty much everybody knows of the president has gone back on his key promise to get moe isn't going anywhere so is holder doing a lame p.r. move try to keep you know the people around the world hopeful about guantanamo or is he really that naive i'll let you decide for his but poor his blatantly false promise about potential facility eric holder is tonight's top time winter.
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now even though more than a week has passed since the killing of al qaeda leader osama bin ladin there are still a lot of questions swirling around is that one of the biggest issues that's being discussed is if the president should in fact release the photos of his death and the video of been logs burial at sea as we all know obama has decided against releasing those photos. it is important for us to make sure that group very graphic photos of somebody who was shot of there. or about floating around. as. an incitement to additional violence as a propaganda tool. but now despite the president's reasoning it several media outlets and political groups are hoping to acquire those contentious images through freedom of information act requests fox news politico judicial watch citizens united and the associated press have all filed for requests to obtain the photographs and that video and while fox news requests was more awful when the
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associated press senior managing editor michael oren ski's makes a solid case for disclosing those images not only does the site the fact of the president that how to make his administration more transparent than ever before but he also makes an important statement that this information is important for the historical record arrest keep explained in an interview with the atlantic wire it's about us saying we would like to make our own news judgments about newsworthy material and as you probably remember the white house had a lot of trouble getting their original narrative straight as to how the operation in pakistan was carried out and the rescues make the point that if the videos and the images were released the public can see for themselves what really happened as of now we've only heard of politico not receiving any sort of response from the government but let's talk about the bigger issue at hand kudos goes to the associated press for calling out the obama administration about its lack of transparency but it also shows that the media is fighting back and i like that
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they're showing that they're not just going to take a simple no for an answer despite how definitive the government's decision on releasing those photos may be even if these outlets don't actually acquire the highly sought images all they're still being heard by the public and you know what we have so see at a price is right isn't it supposed to be left up to the news sources decide if video or images make it to air or decide how the story should be written and shown the news organizations are supposed to be the government watchdog not the lapdog that regurgitates everything that they say so i say keep on fighting. now get ready for what is becoming the single largest illegal bit torrent downloading case in u.s. history at least twenty three thousand file sharers are likely to be notified soon that they're being sued for downloading the expendables and you know not being credibly popular animation film i mean the list of one with sylvester stallone and if you got out of the major hollywood and recording studios had
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a band in that technique of going after individual downloader years and the paint switched a focus to lobbying washington well then you'd be right this is a whole new ball game that we're talking about the case is being led by the u.s. copyright group a coalition of indie film producers who pioneered a new strategy that most say is all about making money and not about come that piracy now contacting the downloads personally offering a settlement of two or three thousand dollars those that it never goes to court that's the strategy there and most people end up saying yes it sounds like a massive scam but the problem is it's legal and altogether there are about one hundred and forty thousand bit torrent downloads who are currently being targeted in lawsuits across the country so here to tell us more about what's going on is eva gallacher an international activist at the electronic frontier foundation and thank you so much for joining us tonight. first of all if we could just start with the basics can you walk us through exactly how these operations out these subpoenas
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were. well it sure as you've mentioned there it is in this particular case the us copyright group approaches an independent filmmaker. there have been people downloading your client and we're going to go and get this information we're going to go by the downloads for you let's go get some settlement money out of them and then we'll split everybody's happy. so what they do is the game rights to enforce the copyright on behalf of the independent filmmaker and then they have where which they used to find the people who are allegedly downloading films on bittorrent which gives them a list of ip addresses which they bring to court in their lawsuit and they say let us go to the i.c.c. and find the subscriber information from people who are using. that time and is that. legal what they do in terms of using that software to go in and get people's
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ip addresses well certainly as far as we know and they're not terribly open about the software you use or whether they're about the knowledge but where certainly not alleging that any of that is the will we are mostly taking issue with the way that they have put together these lawsuits which is very different from what they are i. did in the past where they would sue one person at a time these lawsuits are being done against thousands and thousands of people all together in a single us so i'm just wondering to you is there any doubt in your mind though that this is not about piracy and this is solely about making money off of people about you know i guess if it's the case of a porn movie that they downloaded about shaming them into it or just some random movie it's about telling them that this is the easier option than going to court give me your three thousand bucks. oh absolutely these parties are not interested
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in going to court going to court is expensive having to file a whole lot of people work is expensive fine print says it is expensive whereas shaking people down or. personal meant money is cheap something to a website having fill out a form so how does one hundred forty thousand people in about a dozen of these cases that are being targeted by similar groups like the u.s. copyright group is anybody investigating this is congress investigating it into this practice that seems to be on the upswing well mostly this this whole issue has been playing out in the courts and the electronic frontier foundation is representing people who are. who are being sued right now are representing a couple of people who are being sued by a great event which is another group which is going some were with. with the newspaper articles and also because both in the independent lawsuits
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in the one lawsuits which again have the additional element of sheen which were you concerned about. do you think of this is something that is the future of hollywood or you're going to see more of these independent studios independent filmmakers trying to i guess practice this form of lawsuit perhaps with their money or if their movies aren't big moneymakers because they're indie films this is the way they really get to cash in. i think that this is something the boy is are trying to talk independent filmmakers into but honestly not a lot of independent and in filmmakers have gone for it a lot of independent filmmakers understand that this is actually a bad proposition you don't need money in your hands and i know i want to know i can only do i think this is not the future but i hope it's not the future because in filmmaking yeah i would i would hope so too i guess hurrying your fans or so in your fans is never a good idea you know that one thing at the fed has been working on here too is
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trying to stop so they can't just group thousands of people together and then you have to sue them in certain locations do you think that that's a policy that's going to work. and has worked in several cases already these extremely large lawsuits where. where the u.s. copyright group is suing gallons of people at once having some cases been severed and they have to sue them all in. individual districts where or where the people that reside and that simply not financially feasible for them again so we've got thousands of people in a single lawsuit is cheap and suing. people all over the country one by one is expensive they're not going to make any money in there i'm likely to do it i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and i guess the message to everyone else out there is if you're going to be downloading porn or. movies that are watch out for some of these groups and my people getting letters coming to your
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house thanks so much thank you. so at a concert night we have my unplugged moment i want us seems unable or maybe it's unwilling to solve the difficult issues that are facing this country and then stick around for happy hour the first lady under fire for a guest that she invited to a poetry reading and about congressman under fire for taking his shirt off to cover that and more in just a minute. let's not forget that we sat in a parked car. i think. well. we have the government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you get.
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a job in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new website which twenty four seven live streaming news towns like thank you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. stories you may never find mainstream news. so. the
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political. posturing. aren't. you guys welcome to shelly tell me i'm going to show we part of our guests not to say on the topic now we want to hear our audience just go on to you tube video response or the twitter profile of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday to show your responses. like your voice. earlier in the show we spent probably the first half hour discussing president obama's immigration reform speech today the debate over raising the debt ceiling and let me give you my take on the camera get that feeling of the u.s. if a country stuck in neutral for the time being incapable of solving the bigger problems that are a threat to the american way of life and let's start with the issue of immigration how many times have we heard politicians call for comprehensive immigration reform
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over the years and then politicians can't and won't reform a system that's clearly broken we know there are millions of undocumented workers a living in the shadows here in the u.s. and some people on the left actually wanted an amnesty program to bring those workers into the light to let them start paying taxes and let them become productive american citizens but democrats also exploit the last you know population for their political game let's face it the hispanic population overwhelmingly supported obama in two thousand and eight he got sixty seven percent of their vote and he promised reform during his first year in office. by now but that didn't happen fast forward today the president was in el paso talking about securing the border promoting the economic benefits of a comprehensive immigration overhaul but hispanic leaders out there believe that obama's sudden interest in reform is too little too late let's face it today's event was just a political ploy ahead of next year's election to help secure that hispanic vote and of course his second term in the white house meanwhile goes on the right are
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also exploiting less. population in a completely different way and recent years the g.o.p. is using ground people to scare white people and they claim of latino population here legally as taking away jobs from those hard working americans the real truth latino immigrants provide a huge economic boost to this country but nobody out there wants to talk about so both sides have dug in their heels and nothing happens and again america can't really solve its own problems and we have this upcoming debate over the debt ceiling we all know that washington has a spending problem or fourteen trillion dollars in debt and counting so what's the solution. nobody can agree on one it's clear that we need spending cuts but also sometimes increases to help raise our growing debt so we can give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires but then the middle class gets squeezed we can make cuts to programs operate here to get systems to the poor with g.e. you can get away with paying no income taxes in two thousand and ten that's unfair to you and don't even get me started of course on the amount of money that this
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country spends on in the military and running on the size of their making cuts during these difficult times i'm sorry their budget was increased last year so how can washington actually solve our debt issue when neither party is willing to budge both sides once again are digging in for a fight and the real loser is going to be the american people we get a front seat on how washington is out of touch with the rest of america they don't care either way so the end nothing gets solved so tonight i have two questions what happened to america what happened to our leadership we don't get off the couch if we don't become politically active hold leaders in this country accountable and we're just going to stay stuck in neutral watch as america continues to decline our system is broken because we don't force politicians to fix it so let's make it happen.
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all right it's time for happy hour tonight and you know it joining me i have alex sides all the reporter and blogger for thing progress dot org and the progress reports and r.t. correspondent lauren lister thanks for joining me tonight guys that i mean. this is something that actually became a story yesterday and i didn't really think much of it because congressman aaron schock who by the way i think is the youngest member of congress he's only twenty nine and well he just happens to have washboard abs so now he has a new picture out in men's health magazine where he's on the cover and well you have the audience can see. right there they look good but of course people are freaking out some conservatives are freaking out saying that this just isn't appropriate for a congressman and he's really worried about bigger issues i think it's actually nice that we have somebody who's young who's fit who's talking about exercising and staying healthy and eating healthy why we have to hate on that time. you know i
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kind of i'm with you alone i feel like i'm surprised there's been i guess i'm not surprised but i think all of the criticism is a little unwarranted at a time when i mean there are people that have been involved in far bigger scandals you had tom de lay who was on dancing with the stars then cut and print prison sentence for money laundering and conspiracy charges and you know so this poor guy is on a magazine and it's a huge hullabaloo i don't really get it i mean granted it there is something about it it kind of makes me go around. but i just think that there are bigger issues i just make you go i don't know i listen to the problem with actually. what i mean they're good and they're going to do that i'm not going to deny that but i think they're too good is actually my problem because i'm thinking. yeah exactly i don't want my representative in the gym all the time where you know i don't really look like i'd rather him be you know how to shave shovelled maybe pale because he's behind his desk all day working to represent me sitting in the gym making to make himself look good that's actually a really good i mean you have to kind of a good point but at the same time you don't want a bunch of people that you can't relate with at all over
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a bunch of old white guys apparently were worried are you just fine with that i was tired and you can relate with your taxpayer money going towards people that are working hard yeah we're here i guess you could say the working out is also part of your discipline right paul ryan has been on the airways before and done interviews bragging about his workout regimen that he does every single day you know john boehner is was sitting in the tanning booth the whole time that actually working on the day i was going to praise either of those i would rather see him on the cover of like workaholics magazine than men's health magazine personally i just people have such an aversion to health in this one so much i think that in an era where you know being on a reality show means that you'll get more air time if you're a possible presidential candidate i think it's a little bit irresponsible to think that people are going to be looking towards these other ways of promotion in order to get ahead in their political careers very very true good point let's move on to something else that republicans are also whining and complaining about michelle obama has invited the rapper tom in to do.
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poetry reading at the white house and so of course a bunch of those old white men that probably never listen to rap or probably can't even name you know five rappers are freaking out because of because of a few lyrics that listen to a clip here. but the message was the burning bush caused the p.c. no pushing no blacks on killing over all the grease no weapons of destruction how can we follow a leader when this circle rough one. i see very lyrical as poetic any political but the big deal they're scared i mean if you said burning bush if you can even a little bit attention to rap and i guess it was you don't comment is like the least offensive least controversial ever there is a guy who teamed up with the jonas brothers to make a song that was in the movie date night with steve if it like i mean he has political lyrics certainly but he's not talking about you know being in the in the hood like dealing drugs and shooting cops i was amused there's a couple of like off color lyrics that he's mentioned but in terms of like the spectrum of offensive artists he's. rapping about he sees
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a woman well and i feel like it's actually a really positive sign that they're inviting him into the white house because i think he does bring up really valid important points that maybe people that are you know far removed from the inner city aren't thinking about every day he raps about incarceration he raps about the problems black men are facing i mean the united states has the largest incarceration rate in the world african-american incarceration i think i just read that professor said that the number of black men that are either in jail prison on parole or probation is more than were in slaves before the civil war so if you bring these to the forefront in the white house getting some face time with president obama's wife michelle obama i think that's you know far outweighs any off color lyrics that are rapper is pretty much expected to have absolutely and fox news even which is one of the many conservative groups outraged of course by this kind of a year and a half ago they did a report uncommon for that interview and they called him a conscious rapper and they praised him for bringing up exactly these kinds of
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issues you know what really they all forget there is getting better because election season tramping back and you know obama getting some more celebrities back on this side again because we all know for celebs love obama i think it's jealousy you're right big news today i guess microsoft is buying skype for something like eight point five or eight point eight billion dollars and i know i was kind of curious about that i use skype i've used it for years you know i skype with my grandmother is. in russia and i'm just wondering if that means that it's going to change because microsoft can take something that isn't broken and then try to fix it in whatever their. technology and then just undoubtedly ruin it because i can i still can navigate windows i'm a macro and i have a hard time figuring out how to do much i'm going to like open microsoft word so i hope i don't mess with yeah you know i can see one change that might potentially work that should bring back clippy the paperclip remember him and microsoft word and when you start you know
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a call like oh i see you're calling your mom on mother's day you can also send an e-card for you would be great you want to be assisted. me to the money do you guys know that well that's the whole contention about it is why is this valuation eight point five billion dollars is this too much because they haven't really figured out a way to monetize it would user base which is the question we have with all these tech companies i mean facebook is i think valued at one hundred fifty every face but. they have they have all these games that rake in money yeah it is not a tiny that much i don't know but yeah i know it's a valid point i think you're going to break into your calls and you know hockey you . procter and gamble product i don't know how whatever i did i did read that it might get my life might get more awesome for x.-box users gamers might be able to have face time with each other when they're when they're playing they can. hear you like you know what you did i don't like that way ok lastly i just love people that make stupid nine one one call it's like they called after confiscating weed meeting so many pot brownies here's
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a guy that actually called nine one one and asked them to going to. i mean so the idea of charging this guy for five hundred dollars because he had called nine one something like seventy nine times in the past year and i think any ire should be higher but you know i'm thinking like all these policies are having you know real fiscal issues here's a way to raise some money you know start doing your runs for people if they're going to go out to their houses on no also. that i think you know insulting that this guy is wasting a cop's time it's. finally in cities and therefore you have the disease maybe you can free money on an ambulance i will be there in a flash let me just put the light on and all speed through all the red light would have to go there anyways he was will charge like two grand for a six pack you know probably sold i got to wrap it up but thank you for joining me and i got that right a nice showcase for tuning in and make everything back tomorrow and experimental and back on the shell shocked about how the koch brothers are trying to influence america's youth in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of be alone or show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always catch it all that you
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tube dot com slash do you want to show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is adam versus the man. marvin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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wealthy british style stock. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. is a report on our keep. more news today violence.


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